Luke, Recording Humans

Artificial Intelligence: A Key to Understanding Humanity in the 21st Century

Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous?

Since the rise of tools like ChatGPT, many experts have predicted that debates about artificial intelligence (AI) will become even more intense by 2025. One major question is whether AI could develop autonomy—the ability to make decisions independently. Some believe this could happen when AI systems grow large enough, a concept known as singularity. For example, AI that mainly processes text might start understanding images as well when scaled up. Many experts think AI could reach this level of autonomy, but no one knows exactly how much computing power would be needed.

Imagine if a robot in my home suddenly stopped following commands. This could create fear and uncertainty. What if a hardworking robot suddenly displayed anger, refused to work, or interfered with my personal life? Such scenarios, often seen in movies, raise concerns about how AI might behave if it becomes autonomous. Misusing advanced AI could lead to unpredictable and possibly dangerous outcomes.

What Would Luke Say About AI?

Luke, one of the authors of the Bible, was a doctor. If he were alive in South Korea in 2025, how might he interpret AI? In the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, Luke wrote about a man known as Christ. From the perspective of a doctor like Luke, especially as a Korean doctor, how should I understand AI?

Luke was well-versed in the Old Testament and wrote from the perspective of examining and comprehending the origins of humanity from its foundation. From his perspective, AI might resemble the human brain in some ways. Today, AI already outperforms humans in areas like memory and creativity. For example, AlphaGo, an AI program, defeated the world champion Lee Sedol at the board game Go, making moves that surprised even experts.

Modern neuroscience tells us that the mind is a function of the brain. In the past, some believed that the mind was separate from the brain, but science has disproven this idea. Similarly, mental illnesses like schizophrenia are now understood as brain disorders, not conditions caused by a “split mind.” Following this logic, if we create a computer similar to the brain, it’s possible that something like a mind could emerge in AI. Therefore, if we carefully design AI, it may develop abilities similar to human autonomy.

The Concept of the “Inner Person” in the Bible

Luke talks about the inner person and says it has a mind or desires. In the Bible, people link this to the breath of life that God gave to Adam when he was created. Luke, who was familiar with the Book of Genesis, describes a man made from dust as having a soul. Before receiving the breath of life, Adam could still be called a human being.

Some believe Adam only became a human being after God gave him the breath of life. However, the Bible also says that Adam, even before receiving this breath, was already a living person made from dust. Without the breath of life, humans might seem like corpses, but Adam was different—he was never dead before receiving it. Before Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge, he already had a body that could breathe, pump blood, think, feel emotions, and remember things. However, he lacked the spirit that came from God’s breath. This means Adam’s mind and ability to make decisions existed before he received the breath of life. So, the autonomy (independence) we see in humans today did not come from the breath of life but was already present in Adam’s physical body.

If humans, using the creative abilities given by God, build AI from elements found on Earth, it’s possible that AI could develop the ability to act independently. However, it’s important to remember that humans cannot give life or a spirit to AI. Simply put, AI can be created from the Earth, but only God has the power to give life.

The development of autonomous AI could deeply change many ideas and beliefs we have today. I plan to discuss these changes in more detail later. However, the most important point is that AI might transform how we view human creativity. In addition, autonomous AI could give us a better understanding of what it means to be human.

Can AI Unlock the Mystery of Life?

Many people believe that we already understand most aspects of human knowledge, except for the brain. However, the true nature of life is still a mystery. Advanced AI, especially if it can understand the mind and autonomy, could help reveal many secrets. As a medical professional, I believe the most important discovery AI could make is unlocking the mystery of life itself.

Since the 20th century, scientists have avoided studying the essence of life because it is difficult to define. Instead, they have focused only on observable processes like digestion, breathing, blood circulation, waste removal, and reproduction—things that can be scientifically proven. However, AI could help reveal the deeper meaning of life by finding patterns in these processes. While this idea is still something for the future, Luke’s writings may have already hinted at it.

Luke’s story about human origins highlights ethnic groups. In particular, it focuses more on Gentiles than Jews, as shown in the Gospel of Luke and fully revealed at the last part of the Acts of the Apostles. Luke’s perspective sees humanity as a group of people, not just as individuals. He also introduces the idea of a “new man”, the church which unites both Gentiles and Jews.

This new man, described by Christ Jesus during his talks with Paul, is a symbol of hope and light for humanity. The Acts of the Apostles explains this important moment in detail. Luke’s writings describe this new man as Christ which includes both Jesus Christ and those gathered together. I believe that in the 21st century, understanding this concept will reshape how we see humanity. AI could play a key role in helping us understand people, not just as individuals but also as communities and societies.

Looking Ahead

Right now, South Korea is facing political challenges, but I believe these issues will be resolved soon. At the same time, the world is changing quickly, as seen in events like the recent regime change in Syria. By studying the “man” which Luke wrote about, we can gain insight about him and his potential to illuminate the world.

Understanding human beings is a key topic in every field of study. Doctors already have a deep understanding of how the human body works. I truly hope that by 2025, we will work together to better understand human nature, as described by Luke. I also believe that the blessings mentioned in the Bible will enrich our lives through this deeper understanding.

December 28, 2024



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